
A brand of champagne born in the 19th century
with a rich history

The Brand

The origins of the BARON DE BROU brand date back to the 19th century when, as champagne began to gain recognition and acclaim from the world’s most influential people, the eponymous baron decided to found his own Champagne House in 1872 in Moussy outside Épernay, and to start his own vineyard there.

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The story continues…

His charm, elegance and culture, and his ease amongst the nobility of his day meant that he made a name for himself very quickly and his champagne became a benchmark. After a few years, he sold his Champagne House and vines to the Belgian company “Léon Schultes” based in Brussels, who then sold it on to the Maison de Champagne Gauthier.

Fascinated by this Champagne House, Gaston Burtin, a renowned wine merchant from the area, decided to buy it in 1958, and Maison Burtin marketed the Baron de Brou brand until 2015 when Vincent Pessenet became the owner.

Mentions Légales


Ce site web est édité par : Champagne Baron de Brou
Siège : Château de Villers
51700 Villers-sous-Châtillon - France
Tél. : +33 (0)3 26 58 33 01
Port. : +33 (0)6 80 03 41 69


Design et réalisation : Cochet Concept
Webmaster : web@cochetconcept.fr


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